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Yoga conveys the message of equality, harmony, and unity on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of human beings. Vivekananda Kendra works towards integrating yoga into life through its various dimensions, considering it as a way of life. Like every year, this year as well, on the occasion of International Yoga Day, celebrated on June 21, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, organized "International Day of Yoga" among its branches/projects, collaborating with various organizations, schools, colleges, hospitals, administrative institutions, police, military, women's groups, rural communities, and esteemed organizations.

Swami Vivekananda says, "Each soul is potentially divine and to manifest this divinity within is the goal of life." Vivekananda Kendra emphasizes the adoption of yoga's philosophical aspects along with physical yoga to harness this inner power.

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, a total of 531 programs were organized in 90 cities/branches/projects of 20 states in India, through which 48,484 people participated in the Yoga Day programs. In several places, 7 to 10-day yoga sessions were conducted to create a yoga-awareness environment, including training of the common Yoga Protocol provided by the Ministry of Ayush, as well as the study of philosophical aspects of yoga such as Ashtanga Yoga and Yoga Darshan. Vivekananda Kendra strives to make yoga an integral part of our healthy lifestyle and therefore organizes yoga sessions and classes throughout the year.

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Yoga Shiksha Shibir
Spiritual Retreat
Yoga Certificate Course

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