Vivekananda Kendra organized Gurupurnima programmes at 70 locations across Tamil Nadu, involving a total of 4,591 participants. The celebrations took place from 20th to 28th July 2024.
Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, was honored in “Iru Perum Vizha” event organized by Bharatha Panpadu Mattrum Kalachara Maiyam and Vishvam Visuals on 15th June 2024 in Chennai.
VK Chennai, Maharishi Patanjali Nagar Karyasthan organized National Youth Day programme in Triplicane on 28-01-2024 which was attended by over 100 enthusiastic participants.
VK Chennai, Maharishi Patanjali Nagar Karyasthan organized cultural competitions for Samskarvarga students on 21-01-2024 which saw a participation from 30 children.
Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, Branch - Chennai, cordially invites you to the celebration of National Youth Day. Mananeeya Kum. Nivedita Raghunath Bhide, Vice-President, Vivekananda Kendra, will be the Guest of Honour.
VK Greater Chennai (Maharishi Bhringi Nagar) is organizing a 10-week Surya Namaskar Yagna, with participants increasing the Suryanamaskar rounds weekly to reach 108, and 85 people have registered.