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The Einsteinan equation E= mc2 proved to be a quantum leap for science pushing it towards spirituality, as it established the Oneness of the finite and the Infinite and brought the Infiniteto the level of human comprehension.

What must have been nature of the very first quantum leap which brought man the finite to the lap of the Infinite, which brought Divinity into the human soul and made it vibrate in tune with the Universal soul?
The history of Indian spirituality is the story of this quantum leap achieved by our rishis at the very down of civilization, when they discovered that the shortest distance between any two points in the universe ought to be a straight line and that is the line of Truth. The genius of the Indian Seers brought this Truth nearest to them through intensive search or dhyana and located it within the core of their being. ‘Aham Brahmasmi” thus became the surest and easiest way to locate Truth within and ‘Tatwamasi’ became the best way to connect oneself with the all pervading Truth in the Universe.

To achieve this awareness of the Oneness of the Truth withinone’s own self and in the cosmos, thousands of equations have been formulated by our sages, each one of which is an indicator or a ladder to climb from the finite to the Infinite. Vedas, Upanishads, Ithihasas and Puranas provide examples, clues and shortcuts to achieve this expansion leading to Oneness. This expansion must remain as the key word in all developments. Ignorant of this fundamental equation we waste a lot of time in studies, carrier build ups, acquisition of wealth, establish-ing relationships through love, charity, sympathy and so on but never achieving the real inner development.

The great Hindu tradition is based on the potential power in the human mind to expand into global awareness, not in physical terms but spiritually, enfolding within it the ennobling values and virtues of love, sacrifice and service. These are the fundamental values that should govern the development of human personality as also one’s interaction with community and nature. The growth from a lower to a higher personality should be accompanied by a progressive manifestation of the inherent Divinity.

Here are three wonderful examples of this quantum leap from our tradition. Long long ago Sri Hanuman took a leap from the southern tip of India to the far away Sri Lanka in search of the Brahmavidya, Sita.Prince Siddhartha took the leap from the comforts and luxury of his palace into the infinitude of freedom from misery and gained Buddhahood. In recent history it was Swami Vivekananda who emulated such a giant leap carrying the message of Indian spirituality to the West, soaked in materialism.Cant’ we emulate one of them in this auspicious year of Vivekananda Sarda Sathi!

Vishwabhanu April May 2013 by vedicvision99

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