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First "Kendra Varga" at Bilaspur is started with the presence of Ma. Bhanudas ji ( Rastriy Mahasachiv vkendra) and Shital Didi ( Madhayprant Sangthk) , Dr. U.V. Vare ji ( Nagar Pramukh), Kuldil Mhajan ji (purnkalik karykrta), Tikeshwar Kaushik ji (Yuva Pramukh) Vivek Pandey ji (Sanskar varga pramukh), Ashutosh Shukla (karykrta).Where also present Shri Lidbide ji, Dr. B.N. Tiwari, SH Shende ji, Bupendra ji, Bharat ji, Dr. Sanjay ji, and various other member and other citizen, Group of Youth and Childern etc.

Varga is started with three omkar and prayer followed by games, songs and Vedic Chanting. There was special speech of Ma. Bhanudasji.

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