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Bio-diversity is one of the important aspects that has to be studied, documented and conserved at Rameshwaram.Rameshwaram island is one of the chain of islands that are present in the Gulf of Mannar bio-diversity hot-spot region.Read about it and its importance in the newsletter. Shells, Coral Reefs and Sea algae - the bio-diversity of this island needs to be showcased and this is a small beginning. Also find out about the renovation work of Ramar Teertham. We have excellent press coverage of the event. We have shown the condition of the teerthamprior to the renovation.

In our happenings section read about such diverse activities as training in Azolla to farmers from Jharkhand to rainwater harvesting workshop to 'workshop on “Traditional Siddha Varma Bone Setting Practices.”  Green Transport is an important aspect of environmental living. Battery operated vehicles eliminate pollution. We have introduced battery operated vehicles in our campus. Also learn about training programmes in Bio-methanation plant as well as installation of new plants. Also learn about the UNICEF sponsored programmes that VK-nardep conducts in different parts of Rameshwaram which include the green health camps as well as hygiene awareness camps. VK-nardep also participated in the district book exhibition with its own stall and showcased the panels depicting 'Green Rameshwaram' to more than 20,000 people mainly school and college students.

In the publication section we provide a collection of eco-toons that offer a critique of consumerist society. As this newsletter will reach you in the month of October we also have given quotes of Gandhiji. In our wisdom section we have Ian Maccallum author of 'Ecological Intelligence' showing how the animals whom we even despise and which are untamed and wild are part of our own being - our soul mates. We have a passage from Swami Ranganathananda which explains how a unity runs through all diversity. Then we have an article on 'transpersonal ecology'. To those of us who have heard about only transpersonal psychology - now we know what is transpersonal ecology.

So you can download it all and read.

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