Support the rural girls to make them to stand on their own feet. 200 Girls are getting training at present.
Support an Anandalaya (informal education : play way method for rural students). 50 Anandalayas are running at present in Rural Areas.
Support a Balwadi (age group 3-5 years): 200 Balwadis are running at present.
Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan as an annually donating patron of the Trust for the training, support and maintenance of the Life Wokers and Whole - time Workers of the Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan. (Contribution Rs.365/- and above through payment gateway otherwise Rs.200/- and above).
The amount may be kept under Fixed Deposit for the a period of 10 Years, the interest on which may be used for training, supports and maintenance of the Life worker and Whole-time Workers of the Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan. After the 10 years, the deposited amount may be utilised for any purpose at the discretion of the Trust. (Contribution of Rs.500/- and above).
Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan towards the corpus of the Trust for the training, supports and maintenance of the Life workers and Whole-time workers of the Vivekananda Kendra Pratishthan. (Contribution of Rs.5000/- and above).
A Pictorial presentation on the Ramayana, our National Epic, Situated at the tip of India at Vivekananda Kendra, Vivekanandapuram Campus, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu (India).
The exhibition is to come up in a double storied building designed according to our traditional culture with a Bharat Mata Mandir – a temple dedicated to Bharat Mata – at Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari. The proposal has come up in the context of Swamiji's 150th year celebration across the country and abroad.
Swami Vivekananda visit to Kanyakumari towards the conclusion of his country-wide Parivrajaka life marks a turning point, both in the life of Swamiji as well as in the history of modern India.
The cynosure of the Ramayana Darshanam & Bharat Mata Mandir will be the 27ft. height Hanuman statue, in front of the exhibition building.